At ShibaSwap, our team is composed of dedicated professionals who are passionate about decentralized finance and cryptocurrency. We strive to innovate and provide the best services for our users, ensuring a seamless experience within the DeFi space.
Alex is a blockchain developer with over five years of experience. His expertise in smart contracts and decentralized applications drives our innovative solutions.
Sara is the marketing strategist behind ShibaSwap. With her extensive background in digital marketing, she effectively promotes our platform to crypto enthusiasts.
Tom is our financial analyst, specializing in cryptocurrency markets. His insights help us maintain a competitive edge in the DeFi sector.
Emily is our community manager, dedicated to engaging with users and building strong relationships within the ShibaSwap community.
123 Crypto Lane, Blockchain City, TX 75001
Phone Number
Opening hours
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM (CST)